<P> <A href="http://www.mechnet.com.cn/">疏水阀</A>在蒸汽加热系统中起到阻汽排水作用,选择合适的疏水阀,可使蒸汽加热设备达到最高工作效率。要想达到最理想的效果,就要对各种类型疏水阀的工作性能、特点进行全面的了解。疏水阀的品种很多,各有不同的性能。选用疏水阀时,首先应选其特性能满足蒸汽加热设备的最佳运行,然后才考虑其他客观条件,这样选择你所需要的疏水阀才是正确和有效的。疏水阀要能“识别”蒸汽和凝结水,才能起到阻汽排水作用。“识别”蒸汽和凝结水基于三个原理:密度差、温度差和相变。于是就根据三个原理制造出三种类型的疏水阀:分类为机械型、热静力型、热动力型。1.在生产工艺的换热设备,烘干室,快速热交换器,蒸馏设备等需要快速升温,不允许存有凝结水的生产加热设备,应该选用机械型疏水阀。2.在蒸汽管道,伴热管线、小型加热设备,采暖设备,温度要求不高的用汽设备,应该选用热静力型疏水阀。3.在高温高压过热蒸汽管线和设备上,应该选用过热蒸汽专用疏水阀。</P><BR><BR><P> steam traps steam heating system in a waste gas drainage role in the selection of suitable steam traps allow steam heating equipment for the highest efficiency. To achieve optimal results, it is necessary for all types steam traps work performance and characteristics of a comprehensive understanding. steam traps many varieties, each with different performance. steam traps choice, should first elect their identity can best meet the steam heating equipment operation before considering other objective conditions, such choices you need steam traps is correct and effective.steam traps to be "identified" steam and condensed water can play a role in blocking air drainage. "identification" and the condensed steam water based on three principles : the poor density, and temperature difference of change. So on the basis of three principles of creating three types of steam traps : classified as mechanical type, thermal static type, thermal power-based. 1. In the heat production equipment, drying room, rapid heat exchangers, distillation equipment needs rapid warming, not a condensed water heating equipment production should be chosen mechanical type steam traps. 2. In steam pipes, coupled heat pipelines, small heating equipment, heating equipment, air temperatures do not ask for the use of equipment, it should be the choice of hot static type steam traps. 3. Overheating in high-temperature high-pressure steam pipelines and equipment, should choose an exclusive steam traps steam<BR></P><BR>