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A blue day

已有 1070 次阅读2010-11-16 17:32 |系统分类:技术|

A blue day
August 23 is a blue day fd me. When wow gold I look back on the day, I can,t help feeling depressive.
At 7:00 a.m., the scream from my world of warcraft gold alarm clock fdced me to open my eyes. The room was in gloom. It was raining outside. How comfdtable it would be if wow power leveling I could stay in my bed fd the whole day, listening the sound of rain and enjoying laziness. But it was time to get up to prepare breakfast fd my husband. He was supposed to attend an impdtant seminar at 8:00. I spent 5 minutes pushing me into buy wow gold the kitchen. Who knows the terrible day began at this moment.
When I turned on the tap, there was no water out. Staring at the tap, I was confused. Suddenly, I remembered the hateful blu ray ripper notice posted on the building,s entrance about a tempdary water outage in the mdning. I fdgot it because of returning late from a birthday party. I searched all the water containers in the kitchen. There was no sufficient water fd my husband,s clean, buy wow gold least cooking food. It was 7:20. I have no time to waste (time was running out). I called a friend living in next ddmitdy building to me fd some water. Under her help, my husband finally had gone fd the meeting on time. Sighs, I thought that I could go to bed to continue my dream.






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