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发表于 2010-10-23 18:25:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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  1.刀口型直尺:knife straigjht edge

: J- k' v5 \ k' H9 D# V4 m% Z8 |" P; q- k8 M

  2.刀口尺: knife straigjht edge

8 ^3 c1 q4 B4 e2 E / d. s3 {4 v5 y$ c( J

  3.三棱尺three edges straigjht edge

8 e% \4 b0 @# h- Y/ D' _( P2 M4 |! J7 B7 J9 B8 D) V1 O9 o

  4.四棱尺four edges straigjht edge

# C/ _' u) e2 H2 W y 7 m/ m T) \7 i' x

  5.条式和框式水平仪bar form and square levels

* W1 M/ E( x% T3 x1 [. m( O& J5 [' r9 Z( y6 f9 Y

  6.合像水平仪imaging level meter

7 ^9 T& U0 P( _* @" s7 Z / b: A$ F/ t" ^ B4 `

  7铸铁平板cast iron surface plate

Q( T' U* I( M2 H/ \ 3 G! H( e( C; j R6 Y3 \

  8.岩石平板granite surface plate

7 _6 K. k# F. N4 Y4 A + c6 Q& N; _' v/ {. z

  9.铸铁平尺cast iron straigjht edge

7 \* r, g: c$ S' z" x 6 e4 ]- U' ^5 s

  10.钢平尺和岩石平尺steel and granite straigjht edge

2 ?; r6 J/ x- U' Y8 _! B7 f% I ( R o( ?( H" `2 |

  11.圆度仪roundness measuring instrument

) z5 d: ~+ R. k * e6 I3 @ t. d& G- ]5 X

  12.电子水平仪electronic level meter

5 |; X+ E, K6 \( H. O ; p9 |7 p7 S. j) O4 x; q5 E, ?

  13.表面粗糙度比较样块铸造表面roughness comparison specimens cast surface

- s2 v+ D9 H& _# z* S# ?1 C$ Q; Q6 u3 J, Q. J' s. Z

  14.表面粗糙度比较样块磨、车、铣、插及刨加工表面roughness comparison specimens-ground,turned,bored,milled,shape and planed

6 f4 g, x* G" L. ~$ F4 ?5 M # a6 v0 w, D) U( c; }! B

  15.表面粗糙度比较样块电火花加工表面roughness comparison specimens spark-erostion machining surfaces

9 m5 l* M3 U4 @: V8 t. r m+ J' _/ `5 h( A

  16.表面粗糙度比较样块抛光加工表面roughness comparison specimens pollshed surfaces

/ {" ~. s4 i# D% ^. p4 N$ s' W5 |4 Z + t( H0 l3 e+ Q, h, _


: C/ q$ g' \ F, ` 4 l# |5 p# Y1 e& s


" c! d1 h: a% U$ Z: a' d* c 5 G! \6 l a( a" n' m

  19.轨迹轮廓traced profile

0 m* K8 A" r; O 4 h4 V. [& ^& c5 O8 T% v4 ^

  20.基准轮廓reference profile

; s) R0 a( |: p. x& h2 a! q 1 N9 E: `4 M; S: f4 X; T' ]

  21.总轮廓total profile

2 y7 w9 t7 b9 t) s" |" g # B/ p* |! l6 Z8 G; E/ m

  22.原始轮廓primary profile

* V X9 L& a& U# H% H) I7 n) a( \+ q1 y9 Z4 l* s. S8 v

  23.残余轮廓residual profile

9 v! {$ D: H$ S" j n: `) G6 d5 ~4 T5 \" I! R5 o

  24.触针式仪器stylus instrument

9 c* m' ^$ D/ ^8 P$ H5 o ( |7 T( F5 d2 A1 n F J7 ]! w

  25.感应位移数字存储触针式量仪displacement sensitive,digitally storing stylus instrument

2 z+ G6 {- x" X: @8 ^3 P/ M6 I6 N- X : \4 t8 s: E& q4 r) w8 s5 U1 R

  26.触针式仪器的部件stylus instrument components

) [0 S. U7 U( S" M% `6 q " k, j9 L1 H9 P- b" p& G5 D' U$ G

  27.测量环measurement loop

2 C4 m/ q& U- t) ?0 \8 V2 w1 y/ H+ k6 J' h: v/ W

  28.导向基准renfence guide

3 r1 U" G, ~/ {" W3 l' S * i3 F }$ n- X* A7 p

  29.驱动器drive unit

/ x0 t3 b) I/ y# K( z , [+ ], \0 J; b( S Y( _

  30.测头(传感器) probe(pick-up)

5 r, T" \9 ^8 U. z# B X ( s* `9 L6 s( z7 r* c R% r' y; O- z

  31.拾取单元tracing element

! @6 n. T! R! Y7 E0 R9 j& q2 [; L( u3 Y7 x# F, G. e% e

  32.针尖stylus tip

. M% f' \5 A) t$ S 5 P# d" r K# ?9 [ v' l' x" ?


& S) a+ l2 u3 L/ d y) G& s+ b ) E7 d6 o5 L* [( M) k$ c( `( r


# {; k1 `. `0 T6 B 8 U' O; Z6 I3 \2 Z# s" C- P

  35.模/数转换器analog-to-digital converter

( y* n" e1 o: v4 t& d/ v! @! @- w# z( v x$ U7 v, j' r( q

  36.数据输入data input

/ A$ c5 G* H+ a% y- Q 6 I# x8 G; z9 I( V3 h" k

  37.数据输出data output

: |$ {$ h! d& a2 S- B3 d l, i" e- Y

  38.轮廓滤波和评定profile filtering and evaluation

* D( T. H; X) Q& o$ b# |4 N* D# l- W/ s1 e4 ^

  39.轮廓记录器profile recorder

0 Y% Y' X! n, u% J 2 _( h/ j. K9 B, U3 C s6 s& [+ y

  40.仪器的计量特性metrological characteristics of the instrument

; B1 I6 r3 i( w1 U 4 M( V" [* b5 A: ] ^

  41.静测力的变化change of static measuring force

# {) c. X- a& X. j! h) a0 P$ M+ C# t. a/ B5 r) I- w/ T

  42.静态测力static measuring force

' M9 `) b, n1 d, n- h( p5 y7 ` 4 d7 v5 J1 E2 o& q- l: S; [( ~. S

  43.动态测量力dynamic measuring force " k% E! G; e4 k

' p! {7 q' b- s% A( r2 T 9 O/ J7 }. d4 ~- N# f
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